Acupuncture, Mental Wellbeing


Many Life Synergy patients tell us they would be in a better head space if they could get more sleep.

How are sleep and anxiety connected?

Our ancient acupuncturists believed the mind was housed in the heart. When we sleep, our mind has to return to its house within the heart to rest. Modern research mirrors this with studies showing sleep is where our unconscious mind goes through processing, understanding and unburdening all of our day’s events. Unsurprisingly, people with stress and anxiety miss out on unconscious mind processing.

Can’t I just take a tablet to help me sleep?

The short answer is yes but no. Within my previous profession as a shift worker, many of my co-workers chose to take a sleeping tablet to catch up on missed sleep. There are a few issues with this approach. First, sleeping without the pills very quickly becomes challenging, and this form of rest misses the very important process of mentally processing the day. This can cause a vicious cycle where you can’t turn off your brain to sleep without a tablet, and because you take the pill, your brain cannot unload and reset.

Why acupuncture?

Many people describe an intense relaxation feeling after acupuncture that helps them sleep well that night. This is because acupuncture suppresses the central nervous system’s hormones responsible for initiating anxiety. This means the body experiences a reset away from a fight or flight response and instead enters a relaxed state without excessive nervous tension. Many patients tell us they fall asleep easier after acupuncture and that the quality and quantity of their sleep improves, which means their brain has a chance to process. As a result, their body can maintain this clear and rested state.

So, if you’re tired of being unable to switch off to sleep or dream of waking refreshed from solid sleeping, contact the Life Synergy team or book an appointment on our website.

Acupuncturist Evan McColgan wrote this blog. Evan works out of our Burleigh Heads clinic. He is passionate about helping his patients improve their quality of life through a blend of Western and Eastern Medicine.