


Gold Coast Acupuncture & Natural Health Clinic

About Us
Life Synergy Acupuncture & Naturopathy Gold Coast offer a wide range of alternative treatments including Acupuncture, naturopathy, nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese herbal medicine, moxibustion, cupping, massage, reiki and more.
Our Gold Coast acupuncture, naturopathy and nutritionist clinic has combined over fifty years experience in creating holistic health solutions for general well-being and fertility treatments. We use a combination of traditional Eastern techniques combined with nutrition and modern practices.
Our practitioners genuinely care about your health and all appointments are individually designed so you receive quality time with the practitioner ensuring that your treatment is never rushed. Our treatment rooms are large, private and well presented which offer you a nurturing and supportive atmosphere allowing the perfect healing environment.


We work in partnership with our patients and carefully tailor treatments to the individual through Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Chinese Nutrition and Massage.
Our Treatments

Reproductive Support
Acupuncture is an amazing tool which aims to promote balance of body, mind and soul with the ability to treat a wide variety of health conditions.

Sports Injuries & Pain
At Life Synergy Acupuncture we understand that no two conditions are identical which is why we tailor each of our treatments specific...

Women’s Health
At Life Synergy, we believe in the importance of women's physical and emotional health and wellbeing at all stages of life.

Sleep Disorders
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it hard to fall asleep and/or hard to stay asleep despite having the time/opportunity for adequate sleep.

Anxiety & Depression
People suffering with anxiety are likely to experience symptoms of more than one type of anxiety condition and many may experience...

Children's Health
We value the importance of optimal health for all ages we understand it is a main priority as parents to ensure your child/children are...

Digestion Disorders
Digestive Health Digestion is such a vital part of our bodily function as it is constantly working while we are both awake and asleep.

Stress & Tension
People suffering with anxiety are likely to experience symptoms of more than one type of anxiety condition and many may...

Men’s Health
At Life Synergy we understand the need for more awareness surrounding men’s health. Our team at Life Synergy Acupuncture Gold Coast...