At Life Synergy Acupuncture we understand that no two conditions are identical which is why we tailor each of our treatments specific to each individual to get to the root of your pain, to assist in long lasting relief.
- There’s no doubt that when we experience daily pain, it can impact every element of our life. Chronic pain goes beyond physical pain to impact our mental and emotional well-being.
- A body in constant pain continually sends stress signals to the brain. At Life Synergy, we hear daily stories about how pain disrupts our patient’s quality of life. Pain can stop us from sleeping and prevent us from working and enjoying social activities
- Living with chronic pain can also affect our relationships and ability to look after ourselves, leading to anxiety and depression.
- Our Life Synergy healing experts understand every patient is on their unique wellness journey.
- Our practitioners help people manage their pain every single day.
- Often, our treatments stop the pain in its tracks.
- When we can free people from pain, it fills our team with genuine joy.
- We know our patients often experience the same conditions in different ways.
- Our healers ensure we take the time to sit with our patients and listen carefully so that we can tailor our pain treatment plan to your specific needs.
- We don’t just want to treat pain symptoms; we aim to discover what’s causing the pain so our patients can enjoy long-lasting relief.
- Patients see us for all kinds of pain, and our Life Synergy practitioners empathise with every one of them because we understand how debilitating living with daily pain can be.
Our Life Synergy treatments can help to address the underlying imbalances that create migraines and headaches.
Our healers use a combination of herbs, acupuncture and nutrition to treat menstrual cramps and the pain associated with endometriosis successfully.
Acupuncture reduces inflammation in the joints, which in turn reduces pain.
From back pain to sore muscles, acupuncture and massage are natural pain solutions.
Acupuncture speeds up the body’s recovery, enabling tension, tightness and stiffness to ease and mobility to return.
Acupuncture released endorphins that release and unblock nerve pain.
- Frequently Asked Questions
Acupuncture is an ancient healing system utilised throughout the world for over 3,500 years. Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the treatment of specific acupuncture points located on energy pathways called meridians throughout the body.
Energy, or ‘Qi’ flows along the meridians to promote optimal function and balance in the body. Internal and external influences can block or damage this flow resulting in pain, disease or emotional imbalance. Each acupuncture point has a specific action and is carefully selected as part of your individually tailored treatment plan to remove blockages, increase circulation and stimulate the nervous system. By regulating the Qi, balance is achieved, ultimately restoring the function and health of the body, mind and soul.
Extremely fine needles are placed on the acupuncture points located on the meridian channels that run throughout the body. Commonly the needles aren’t felt at all. Instead, an experience of feeling light and deeply relaxed during treatments with an enhanced feeling of well-being are experienced following treatment. At Life Synergy we often incorporate body work or Chinese massage as an adjunct to acupuncture to enhance the treatment effects by stimulating circulation and allowing the body to relax optimally.